Map dimensions: 896x896, current in-game date: July 1923 (starting date: April 1920)
There are 7 active players (0 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.
Hide detailed server information
Map detail: 85 towns, 107702 citizens, 61 factories, 470 vehicles and 406 stops.
The pakset version is: Pak192.Comic 2021 [V 0.6 RC 3 Nightly]
The server game version is: Simutrans "123" "." "0" "." "1" (r10421) built "Feb 5 2022"
The last announce by this server was 2 minutes 26 seconds ago, the next announce is expected in 33 seconds .
Admin email:
Pakset link: Not set
Info link: Server information
Not set
Server connection info:
Secondary IP adress: Not set
Map dimensions: 512x512, current in-game date: February 2274 (starting date: January 2050)
There are 11 active players (8 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.
Map dimensions: 2000x2000, current in-game date: October 1991 (starting date: January 1930)
There are 9 active players (8 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.
Map dimensions: 768x768, current in-game date: March 1997 (starting date: January 1970)
There are 15 active players (14 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.
Map dimensions: 256x256, current in-game date: January 1930 (starting date: January 1930)
There are 4 active players (0 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.